It is amazing you guys can even mention my name without rebuke.
And dont blame the Captain as he merily stated outwardly after several of the threadsters who really miss ME chose to speak of and about ME.
Cogently, the Captain addressed the Censorship with dignity, respect and eloquence
Rest your minds; if and when I enter, each entrance will be as myself.
Really now guys, CATO??..... you know better than that?
To enter and write other than myself ?
Now who is paranoid?
We (D1 &Myself) didn't turn off the cold water we just added ice to it.We, El Defensor & Jaime Kenedeno put you guys (1440 KEYS) back on the map. We didnt come in to "steal the thunder" from Bob Jones
Or EVW for that matter.
The "stealing of thunder" came when John Gifford "changed the format".
Now,..... there's loyalty for ya. Legitimize?
..... give me one good reason my Freedom of Speech was censored?
Cuz NOWWWW it's Erics house?
This is the internet and EVW operates under the very amendment he chooses to ignore when it suits his Agenda.
Even you know that Mark B!
I am not the one using vulgar language and racial slurs.
I am not the one making threats of physical harm.
I am not the one preaching hate and intolerance. Yet, Eric allows that promotion on "his" board.And you guys speak of morals, integrity and the Constitution (1st Amendment)?
His house????
Without us, there is nothing interesting.
Well, Curmy can be interesting at times. .
At one time, this board was OUR board..
We fused it into a force to be reckoned with.
Go ahead and stick your nose way up EVW's a$$.
I dont need this board nor do I need to sneak in here and write as someone other than myself.
Maybe, if you're lucky; you will get to read this little blast before it disappears.
Eric you must realize, has a huge ego and Bob jones with El Defenzor Live overshadows him.
It is a fact he now advertises on El Defenzor Live!
Go to the courthouse and ask the employees, the Judges and the Attorneys about Bob, Homer & yes, even Jaime Kenedeno.
They love us!
Everybody reads everything I write.Even John Gifford and Mawly Cawcks. Eric can sure dish it out, but he cant take the cold shower himself and that is that.
Judging by Eric's indignant rhetoric; Now (he is eating his words) it must feel (to him) like being dipped in liquid nitrogen. . Facts are EVW is now advertising on Tuesday Mornings with the El Defenzor Live News / Talk Radio1440 KEYS.
Who is talking Now on the Bob Jones' show?
Oh yeah, I forgot the Format Change I mean
"Welcome to the Morning Show"
"It's great to have you this morning"
and then the coat tail riders introduce themselves first
then they throw in Bob Jones and Nick Russo almost as an after thought.
It is the Bob Jones Show the same as it (ever was) is the EVW Show.
Why is EVW advertising on "The Morning Show" (as the new format mandates)?
EVW advertises on the Bob Jones Show because of Nick, Homer & Bob and their listeners.
Mikal Watts, Marie Fernandez, Rose Vela, "The Debate" (should be a Caller Times Best of the Best debates) , the list of prominence and influence continues to snowball. From the beginning, Homer was there to help out his friend Bob Jones.
Mr Gifford,....dont you think some of the things you do offend Reverend Jones? I remember distinctively the British Magazine story. The Magazine you said was owned by Rupert Murdoch and Rupert's motivation for becoming an American Citizen. The Magazine 3rd page IMO was offensive to Rev Jones also the little skit. BOB is much BRIGHTER than "Yawl"."CO HOST" was accurate and right on target. The truth is on the tapes.
If I am incorrect I will eat my words.
Homer was introduced as a co host up until Jenny and the exchange.
Play the tapes of the first shows and prove ME wrong?EVW can't take it (that Ice Cold Shower of Reality). I stick to my guns so EVW takes his ball and bat and says Jaime cant play no more. He cant debate ME without embarrassment so he cheats just like he does on the air with that mute button.
WATT are you afraid of Eric?
EVW: "Let me set this up for those of you who haven't been following this controversy because after this thread their will be no more."
HELLO>>>>> there is plenty more.
EVW: "This is a synopsis of how we got where we are."
This is a conniption fit and a futile attempt to spin my words.
Quite simply, as D1 says, "EVW is having a BF". LOL
;) EVW: "My Friend Bob Jones, host of the Morning Show on News/Talk 1440 KEYS is attempting to increase listeners by adding controversy to the show. Bob invites Homer Villarreal as a guest every Tuesday at 7:00 am."
Fact Check: Homer was introduced as Bob's Co Host, not guest.
Play the tape and prove ME wrong.
EVW: "Homer has for a number of years published a yellow-journalism, gossip rag out of Robstown. As you can tell I personally have had numerous stories written about me over the last 11 years that have absolutely no basis in truth and are outright lies.Most of the authors from this Robstown Yellow-Rag never put their name to the story. I am, by far, not the only person who has been the target of Homer’s libelous publication. I have talked with others have also been attacked by the same publication about potential legal action in the form of a liable suit. Others before me had already investigated the prospect and found that the circulation of the publication was so low and the personal and professional assets of Homer Villarreal so miniscule that it was pointless to pursue. That being said, Homer Villarreal is an example of one of the worst elements of division in our country. His goal is to anger and divide the Hispanic population from the so-called Anglo population through race-baiting, propaganda. Homer refuses to pledge his allegiance to the United States of America but at the same time supports a group called "Azetlan" which is in practice a disorganized, emotionally fueled, racist, anti-white, pro-illegal immigration, anti-American organization that seeks to take parts of Texas and California for Mexico."
Yet after all the rhetoric, EVW advertises on Tuesday Mornings with El Defenzor Live on the Bob Jones Show.EVW: "The big deal on got started as three disciples of Homer V. posting under the alias of “Condot”, “Marx”, and “Jaime Kenedeno” attempted to give the appearance of acceptance and credibility to Homer by claiming that it was KEYS Radio who offer him a co-host position,"
First of all, Jaime Kenedeno is my pen name; as the pen name Mark Twain belonged to Samuel Clemens.
Next, I am separate from Markx and Condot
Also, I disapprove of their conduct.
Their Conduct while agitating and uncouth; it is hardly a reason to silence them.
EVW: "that “KEYS” subscribed to the yellow-journalism publication that Homer puts out as well as many other falsely stated claims about the official decisions of KEYS Radio."
Fact Check: I never said that KEYS subscribed to anything.
Specifically WATT false claims about "the official decisions of KEYS Radio" did I make?
That is a bunch of illegitimized talk documented in writing
When Bob Jones makes a statement it officially is broadcast by KEYS
"EVW: "I have made it patently clear that "1440 KEYS" had no part in Bob Jones’ individual decision to associate himself with or have as a guest."
"1440 KEYS" has everything to do with WATT ever Bob Jones does on the air @1440 KEYS
EVW: "I in no way associate with, condone or tolerate the bigoted anti-American beliefs or illegitimate rhetoric of this individual directly or indirectly, including his publication."
Sounds like the word of a politician to ME?
FACT: EVW advertises (associates) every Tuesday Morning with El Defenzor Live on the Bob Jones Show.
EVW: "It's obvious that a small group of Homer Villarreal’s supporters cannot let go of the myth that their hero's presence on the Bob Jones show is anything more than a weekly guest appearance on the invitation of one individual talk show host."
FACT: EVW advertises every Tuesday Morning with El Defenzor Live on the Bob Jones Show.
FACT: Homer is now the guest of three talk show hosts @News / Talk Radio 1440 KEYS
EVW: "Individual talk show hosts, their actions and decisions, are that of the host and the host alone and not that of News/Talk 1440 KEYS. That last sentence should sound familiar as it is a disclaimer that runs every morning at the start of each broadcast day and is common throughout the broadcast industry."
Notwithstanding and nonetheless, truly KEYS Radio is held accountable for EVW's actions.
EVW: " I have even referred one of these individuals to the Person who does have the authority and power to make official News/Talk 1440 KEYS decisions, Program Director John Gifford and now that same individual listener who wanted to argue with me about Homer's status is now arguing with the station manager."
Objection Hearsay! Let Gifford say it if this is true.
EVW: "If you want to know why areas in S. Texas such as Robstown have such poor economic conditions and rampant corruption, it's due to the mentality of people just like those I have discussed."
Now that can be argued, successfully I might add; as an act of LIBEL and 1440 KEYS Radio is responsible for EVW's careless choice of potentially injurious rhetoric.
EVW: "Below is an e-mail I received just before making this post. It is a classic example of the belligerence, intellectual immaturity and threats all too common in the bigoted, race-baiting, Hispanic-Democrat politics of South Texas. These are the character types that follow and are interested in listening to the likes Homer Villarreal."
You EVW, are on of those "character types that follow and are interested in listening to the likes Homer Villarreal".
FACT: You EVW now advertise & we know you listen every Tuesday Morning with El Defenzor Live on the Bob Jones Show.
EVW: "Their actions and beliefs hurt America and weaken it. They don't add to, but rather weight down the economy as typically they are in the lowest income bracket. I personally would not want to attract this type of listener base as it is so violently offensive to most Americans, Republican and Democrat. In my opinion it will drive the majority of listeners who possess the means to support advertisers away leaving only a small juvenile base of simpleton agitators."
FACT: EVW advertises every Tuesday Morning with El Defenzor Live on the Bob Jones Show.EVW: "Just take a look at the almost incoherent rantings and threats sent to me in an e-mail as a very small example of the mentality I’ve discussed and which we all have to deal with in South Texas."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!EVW: "Keep in mind, I specifically made it clear to the following individual that I did not want him to contact me any further concerning this issue and yet he did anyway."
EVW initiated the EMAILS!
And the thread goes on and on YADA YADA YADA.
You soiled your britches EVW, after the next ignorant post
EVW: Homer better not find himself in the radio station when I'm there or he's going to be even more embarrased. At 9:01 AM Homer better be laying rubber.
Homer: "racist, bigot, homo, unAmerican, etc" and It's All True!1/19/2006 7:58 AMIt's called reality Mr. Condot. My family and friends read the crap Homer and his rag of a newspaper puts out. I've been putting up with the offensive lies and racial accusations of people like you and Mr. Homer for years while you hide under the slimy rock of anonymity. I sign my name to every statement I make and have done for over 11 years. It's time those of you who live on racial friction do the same. When Homer Villarreal refuses to say he pledges allegiance to the United States of America and instead calls the Hispanic woman who does a "sell-out" that is by definition, un-American. Homer is against everything I stand for as an illegitimate race baiting bigot. I guess you would like it if I have the head of the Klu Klux Klan on my show every Tuesday? If the truth hurts Homer and you and others so much, maybe you should do something about who you are instead of getting angry at me for calling you on it. As far as my stink Condot, what are you going to do about it? If the rest of the coastal bend has had to endure the mentally retarded such as you, Markx and Homer making completely false claims in Homer's publication rag then he'll take alot more from me before it's over and that goes for you too tough guy. Homer better not find himself in the radio station when I'm there or he's going to be even more embarrased. At 9:01 AM Homer better be laying rubber.
Wild Ape
I am not anybody''s..... 1/21/2006 6:35:33 PMmessenger boy. Herald for Eric? I think not. Herald for Homer? he dont need ME. You sure are getting BOLD Mr Ape. One of these days YOU might have to BYTE your tongue
This is WATT I wrote that PO'd and now KO'd EVW Read it and weep.
Jaime Kenedeno
Jaime Kenedeno
Jaime Kenedeno- 1/24/2006I guess you want a war?I spoke with Mr. Gifford.You Eric have taken my words "KEYS made Homer an Offer" which KEYS RADIO didby contractual agreement verbal or otherwise and you are displacing YOURfrustration on the wrong person."How is that>possible when Bob Jones is not the Program Director, General Manager,>or Owner of the Radio Station?"How was HOMER a co-host if BOB JONES has not the authority?NOW, after "the exchange" he is a guest; but he was a co-host.Can you not follow the reasoning?You are the one who is wasting my time if you choose to blow this littlebitty thing out of proportion. Have you noticed that nobody has joined inyour rant on me. By default you lose due to the personal attacks and namecalling. KEYS is responsible for YOUR actions and HOMER was a co-host; sowho made him "co-host"?You dont want to keep it up with me. You are convaluting yourself intobelieving YOU are right.In fact you jumped in on the discussion and I was not addressing you. I amdoing this by email to save embarrassment for you and the Station.All of your disclaimer rhetoric is not legally binding.I am asking you to refrain from your personal attacks once again.ERIC YOU SAY , You dont know WATT I do for a living."Am I asking you for provisions?I am a legal advocate and you sir do not understand the legal ramificationsof your words.Not to mention the fall out when I go to your advertisers.And you speak of yourself and JESUS in the same sentence?CHURCH OF CHRIST does not teach the hate you spew in indignancy. Get a gripon yourself Eric.I dont wan't to do this Eric.Here it is, I am about a cause for South Texas.El Defenzor is part of it and Your message board is a big part of it.Why is Homer on KEYS Radio?Because I stood up to him and you supported ME.Let us not ruin this.Please?Once again swallow a little pride and talk to me like a man.I can call you if you wish.Or you can call me or I will sit down with you and John but we should have aTALK.I AM NOT A BIGOT.And you sir know this.PAX
Jaime, You Don''t Speak for 1440 KEYS 1/22/2006 3:54:01 PMI''ll say this one more time, ""KEYS did not hire the King Bigot Homer V. Now, knowing Homor''s affinity for fabrication he may have told you KEYS hired him but I can assure you HOMER IS NOTHING MORE THAN A GUEST OF BOB JONES. Is this the kind of boasting common in the circles you travel? Where in the hell do you get this stuff from?
Jaime Kenedeno
Jaime Kenedeno
Jaime Kenedeno
Jaime Kenedeno
I am outta here!